Success factors for good cooperation between manager and team

Earlier, I shared the article “11 kenmerken van slecht leiderschap.” Today, I’m taking you through the success factors for good collaboration between managers and teams. In other words, how to do it right as a leader?

A Small Gesture Makes a Big Difference in Successful Collaboration between Manager and Team

A handwritten card is a small gesture, but its impact is significant. These leaders have consciously thought about how to show attention to their employees through a seemingly small act. Let’s look at the effect of this personal message:

  • Employees feel appreciated.
  • Better atmosphere in the workplace.
  • A catalyst for improved communication.
  • Creates engagement.
  • Increases productivity.

The funny thing about a handwritten card is that its impact is greater in this day and age. In the era we live in, sending a handwritten card is distinctive. It has a surprising effect on people in a world that is almost entirely digitized. Especially for the Millennial generation (Generation Y – born between 1980 and 2000), the element of surprise is huge. According to American research, millennials value individual recognition and authentic, unique, and honest stories from organizations. A staggering 88% find compliments from their leaders extremely motivating.

Examples of Success Factors of Good Leadership

It’s worthwhile to investigate what your team’s desires are, especially the new generations entering the job market. For leaders, this is also an additional motivation to reflect on their own leadership and leadership style. This includes small gestures, such as sending a handwritten birthday card. But also consider:

  1. Sending a personal message (via WhatsApp/SMS/messenger) for a special achievement.
  2. Acknowledging personal milestones like: new house, birth, reaching a goal weight.
  3. Handing out birthday treats personally.
  4. Picking up the phone and calling when you want to know or ask something.
  5. Having a cup of coffee or lunch with an employee/employees.
  6. Friday mail: sharing the highlights of the week, including special achievements and personal highlights of employees.
  7. Organizing a Friday afternoon drink (vrijmibo) and being present yourself.
  8. Celebrating company successes with your team.

There are, of course, many more possibilities that demonstrate individual interest, attention, and appreciation. Reflect on what you might already be doing or which gestures suit you. Above all, do it sincerely and enjoy it. If that’s not the case, it’s better to refrain.

We are in a time where personal attention and involvement have become even more important. This deserves attention from leaders as well.

Can you add to the list above based on your experience? I’m also eager to learn from you.

If you want to read more about leadership, order my book “Mijn beste team ooit! In 7 stappen naar Golden Leadership“.

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