About motivating and demotivating your employees

Leading seems so easy. Nothing could be further from the truth. I experience this daily. The number of unmotivated and disengaged employees is dramatically high.
Is it the employees’ fault? Or the leader’s? Or is it the combination?
The higher a leader’s self-awareness, the more likely they are to create a team of engaged employees.
This has a lot to do with the level of emotional intelligence. According to research firm Gallup, 70% of employee motivation is determined by the manager.

Here are two checklists for you. The first one has 5 tips to enhance your leadership, and the second one has 5 behaviors you should definitely stop.

Motivating – 5 things to enhance your leadership and motivate employees

  1. Be accountable
    Can your employees count on you? Do you take responsibility and keep your promises? Managers often demand accountability from their employees, but they are less strict with themselves.
  2. Transparency
    Involving employees in developments provides calm and clarity. Recently, I visited a client who was preparing for a reorganization and a move. That was the only information the employees had received. After that, they heard nothing from management for weeks. This caused a lot of unrest on the work floor, leading to speculations and fear.
    Even if there is little to report, look at how you can communicate small steps. Admitting that you don’t know certain things yet is also a strength.
  3. Lead by example
    Are you a role model for your people? Do you behave as you expect your team members to behave? This requires a high level of self-awareness. It also means being open to feedback from your team members, allowing you to adjust your own behavior.
  4. Listen more, talk less
    This seems like a no-brainer, but it is not. Many managers seem to talk more than they listen. By truly listening and asking good questions, you get to know your employees better. This enables you to lead them more effectively and tailor your approach to them.
  5. Treat others as they want to be treated
    It is often said, “Treat others as you want to be treated.” I take it a step further: “Treat others as they want to be treated.” This means being able to adjust your communication to that of the other person. The other person will experience more connection, trust, and respect.

Demotivating – 5 behaviors you should definitely stop

  1. Generalizing
    Stop treating everyone the same way. I assume you have gathered a team of top employees around you. They all, like top athletes, require a tailored approach and treatment.
  2. Accepting toxic behavior
    Do not allow toxic behavior, which is behavior that is unacceptable and bothers others. It seems logical, but such behavior is often tolerated, especially if it involves a successful account manager.
    Having and adhering to, for example, a Code of Honor or working with core value behavior can be a good guideline here. Safeguarding the culture is very important within organizations.
  3. “Yes, but”
    No more “Yes, but.” I was invited to a management team meeting. The team came up with various suggestions. These were more or less shot down one by one because the director kept saying, “Yes, but.”
    At some point, such a team is no longer motivated. This applies to suggestions as well as receiving feedback.
  4. Taking everything for granted
    If everything that is done is seen as ‘normal,’ there is little attention to celebrating the highlights. There are few or no moments to celebrate together.
    Give personal attention to individual achievements. And if you know what motivates your people, you will know even better how to choose the right reward for each person.
  5. This employee does not fit the team
    It takes a lot of energy, time, and money if the wrong employee is hired and does not function well. A careful recruitment policy pays off.
    By careful, I mean looking at whether someone fits the team in terms of behavior, motivations, and emotional intelligence. An analysis of these aspects can prevent a lot of damage.

Do you want to know more about how to work with your team?
Contact me at 0343 – 476743 or leave your comments below this blog.

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