Growth and more turnover through committed employees

More growth and more revenue through engaged employees.

That’s what we all want, right? Or not? What I often see happening is that in the early stages of a company, there is a high level of engagement. In that phase, in a small team, there is passion and enthusiasm, and everyone is on the same page. We know what to expect from each other.

The result: growth! And more revenue! Yes! That’s the goal after all. But with growth comes more employees on board. And they don’t know the characteristics of the early phase. Agreements are not as well kept. The first people with a 9 to 5 mentality join, they don’t know the “unwritten rules” of the company. Engagement is lower or threatened to decrease. And if employee engagement decreases, the company grows less rapidly. And then revenue increases less rapidly. Here you can read about the outcomes of a study on engagement and its effects. And I’ll give you 8 tips on what you can do to increase engagement within your organization. And that leads to: growth and more revenue.


A large study (Intuo) was recently conducted among 104 companies (Europe, United States, and South Africa) to examine trends in employee engagement. What’s the result? With good employee engagement, there is 51% more growth potential. And there is 18% more revenue per employee generated. It’s logical that high engagement has positive effects on motivation, health, absenteeism, and productivity. About half of the companies participating in the study measure employee engagement. In the coming years, employee engagement will be high on the agenda, considering its positive effects.

Manager and employee communication

The study shows that highly engaged organizations do more than just apply the traditional method: one progress meeting and one appraisal meeting per year. In engaged organizations, the so-called “hybrid model” is most commonly used. There is still a formal communication moment (at least once a year). In addition, various other meetings/conversations take place in between. Formally (one-on-ones) and informally. The level of awareness and leadership experience of the manager is important here. Throughout the year, the manager plays a coaching role with the employee. Feedback is given in an open atmosphere, goals are adjusted. In short, there is intensive interaction.

8 Tips to Increase Employee Engagement

In the book “My Best Team Ever! 7 Steps to Golden Leadership“, an entire chapter is devoted to increasing engagement. Additionally, I refer you to this article: it contains 8 tips to significantly increase the engagement of your employees.

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