Increase involvement? 8 techniques for leaders

You know, I often feel sad? This happens especially when I see how employees suffer because of the ignorance of their leaders. And we both know that it costs a lot of money and energy. And disengaged employees can have a negative effect on customer experiences.

And I am happily very often and especially grateful: when I have given a manager insight into how he/she can increase the engagement of his/her employees. And how cool is it that it works again!

According to recent research, 31% of employees are not engaged (Scarlett Surveys), wow! So, there is still a lot to do! Engaged employees

1 Creating a safe environment where a climate of trust prevails.

It is so important that leaders and employees trust each other. This creates a safe environment and automatically increases engagement. Mistakes may be made, and employees dare to take (responsible) risks. HERE you can read more about developing a climate of trust.

2 Transparent communication

Say what you do and do what you say. This leads to consistency and builds trust. Take your people with you in your actions, your plans, your considerations. Many leaders tend to make an announcement and then are surprised that their team is bewildered and wondering what is meant… Take your people with you and remember that they usually need a little more information. Tell them the ‘why’.

3 Take the time for connection

Yes, that’s what I mean: take a little more time to connect with your people. To align yourself. Many entrepreneurs and leaders find this difficult, especially when their employees have a slightly slower pace than they do. Please pay attention to your people, real attention. Have you read my previous blog, about the importance of foreplay? Taking more time at the front end leads to better and higher results and more engagement.

4 Shared values

Are the organizational values and the associated behavior clear to everyone? And do the values ​​match the personal values ​​and beliefs of the employees? It is important to take this into account during the recruitment process. It significantly increases engagement.

5 Feedback

I am adding this important skill again because when leaders and their teams master the art of feedback, it is so valuable. Positive feedback because we all crave appreciation and recognition. Negative feedback because it strengthens cooperation, learning, and engagement. It is an important part of a mature organization. Here you can read how to give feedback that works.

6 Asking questions

This is just as important as the previous skill. Privately and professionally, I regularly encounter people who don’t ask questions, nothing, nada, zero! How do you really get to know someone if you are only sending and concluding? A manager who doesn’t ask questions is very painful for employees. Asking questions, asking open questions, increases the bond and engagement.

7 When does your employee get the flowers?

Are the clear expectations clear to everyone? And the performance criteria? Or do I hear: “I just do my best, but I don’t know what I’m being judged on.” Employees need to know what is expected of them.

8 Be a coach, lead your team to gold!

Develop your team, develop your employees. Investigate what they need. If you can and want to be a coaching leader, you will increase the sustainable employability and engagement of your people. See yourself as a top sports coach who is able to combine performance culture and an engaged culture. In this way, you can also become a golden leader! With a golden and engaged team.

Would you like to learn more about engaged employees? Here are a few options:

  1. Read the book “My Best Team Ever! In 7 steps to Golden Leadership“.
  2. Prefer to listen to the book, it is also available as a audiobook.
  3. Make an appointment so we can explore how you can create your best team.




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