Peak Performance Mindset: this is how you do it!

Peak performance mindset, everyone talks about ‘the right mindset’ nowadays.
How do you create a mindset that belongs to a ‘Golden Leader’?
As you already know, a supportive mindset greatly helps you towards your success, in any area. Athletes know this better than anyone: getting up and continuing after a fall. Think about Mathieu van der Poel (cycling) and Femke Bol (athletics) this year. Top athletes win on that last piece: mindset.

Yet, it is not always adequately addressed.
A few years ago, I attended a training by Wim Hof, the Iceman. He understands mindset as determining the chemistry in your body yourself. That means you can determine power over yourself. How? Among other things, through breathing exercises. I experienced it myself, as I sat in a tub of ice cubes with him. No, not for 2 seconds, but certainly for 2 minutes.

It is very similar to the introductory trainings by Anthony Robbins, where you – after good preparation – walk over a street with hot coals. My head still says ‘that can’t be possible’, right?
And yet I have experienced it multiple times myself. Just like breaking a board in half, something I sometimes do with students. Their mindset ultimately makes the difference.
And cycling up Alpe d’Huez four times in one day? I did it, it’s possible. Not easy, I really struggled at times. But giving up was not an option. That mindset pulled me through.

What’s the fun in this?

These are examples that show us that with a strong ‘mind’, we can achieve a lot. And at the same time, you know that this ‘mind’ can often limit our possibilities.
You have probably heard before that our beliefs are ingrained conditionings, right?
I have been applying powerful Peak Performance mindset techniques with my clients – many business leaders and entrepreneurs – for years now, derived from NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) among others. This turns leaders from good to great, from ‘good to great’. This brings leaders to (their) gold! Compare it to top athletes, they are all excellent (technically) trained, but it’s the right mindset that creates champions!
Below, I’ll give you 6 basic techniques that will help you strengthen your mindset and that you can also apply immediately. It’s important that you test what works best for you. I do this in personal sessions, because it’s tailor-made and not everything works for everyone.

Technique 1 Clean up – clear your shit!

I can give you the most beautiful techniques, but if you don’t first work on what’s holding you back, then it will be difficult and have no or less effect. So if you still have limiting beliefs, deal with them. For this, read my blog ‘Negatieve emoties? Weg ermee!’ (Negative emotions? Get rid of them!).

Technique 2 Modeling

Do you know someone who is an example for you? Someone who has a certain quality or skill? Such a person is also called a ‘role model’. Think of your parents. Usually, your parents were your first (unconscious) role models in your life. With modeling, you investigate what makes someone special, because ‘what someone else can do, you can do too’. So investigate, for example, how they look, your role models, how do they move their body, how do they speak, what do they say, how do they say it? And so on. You can investigate this by observing or by asking questions.

Technique 3 Future Pace

You put yourself in the future and see your success. What does that success or moment look like for you? How do the people around you react? What do they say? What do you say to yourself? How do you feel? Make this image very strong. And write it down. The official description is ‘Fake it until you make it’. Are you working towards a certain peak in your life? Also see for yourself how it is afterwards and what it yields for you!

Technique 4 Change your physiology

Changing your physiology (or body posture) may have the fastest effect on mindset. Movement or a different posture can immediately change your mood. Creating and maintaining a positive mood, a positive state, is essential for your leadership. Even when you feel low on energy, this is the key.

Technique 5 The power of words

With the use of the right words and phrases, you can strongly influence both your own Peak Performance mindset and that of others. What do you say to yourself and what do you say to others? This morning I heard an entrepreneur say ‘I’m trying to sell a marketing concept’, well that’s not going to work. Cut out words like ‘try’, there’s really no action in it. You can read more about the power of words in my blog ‘Vijf tips om jouw woorden kracht bij te zetten’ (Five tips to empower your words).

Technique 6 Anchoring

Anchoring is a very powerful NLP technique that can quickly evoke a positive state of mind. How?

  1. Think of a good feeling that you need in a certain situation
  2. Remember a (powerful) moment in the past when you had that feeling
  3. Close your eyes, vividly visualize that situation in detail and intensify that experience by:
    • making the picture sharper and closer
    • invoking sounds
    • making the feeling stronger
  4. When the feeling is most intense, create a physical association by making a unique gesture, such as making a fist or pulling your earlobe
  5. When the intense feeling diminishes, release this ‘anchor’
  6. Repeat it several times and test it with different examples to make the experience stronger.

I’m curious about your experiences. What do you do to get into the right mindset at the moments when you need it the most?
Want to read more? Read my book “Mijn beste team ooit! In 7 stappen naar Golden Leadership”.

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