Stop these stressors


Can you stop the time wasters that cause you stress?

We all recognize a few: stressors. Often, those are also our time wasters. Time wasters are the things you regret at the end of the day. And some of those time wasters also cause a lot of stress.

What do you accept? And what do you really decide to stop?

Stopping them can be quite tricky: you often know it, but stopping, no way. That requires a different, more effective behavioral style. For small things, you can ask a colleague or a friend to help you, for bigger challenges, a coach can support you.

Below, I give you a checklist of common stressors that waste time. Handy to go through during the summer (vacation) and make a decision about what you will stop doing.

Checklist of Time-Wasting Stressors

1. Procrastination

There’s nothing that causes more stress than the constant, unfinished business. Or the stress becomes huge when we have to finish something again at the very last moment because we are already (almost) too late. Procrastination is the biggest personal sabotage topic for many. Start taking action, in small steps.

2. Perfectionism

Tony Robbins calls perfectionism the “lowest standard”. When is good good enough? It’s often a difficult trait to get rid of on your own. Perfectionism leads to disappointment for the individual and their environment.

3. Excuses

That means someone constantly explains why something hasn’t happened yet. It means not taking personal responsibility. People who don’t seek excuses find a way to make things happen and achieve goals. They take matters into their own hands.

4. Negativity

A negative mindset has a big impact on you and your surroundings. It’s unproductive and lowers energy levels. A more positive outlook can be learned. Also, don’t accept negative environments or negative people around you. Aim to surround yourself with positive people as much as possible. Make choices in that regard. It’s the difference between keeping the curtains closed or throwing them open so the light (the positive) can come in.

5. Negative Statements

What do you say to yourself? Also, pay attention to what you hear yourself saying. Changing your choice of words (from negative to positive) makes a big difference. We can choose whether we ‘program’ ourselves positively or negatively.

6. Clutter

It is sometimes said that physical clutter in your environment also leads to clutter in your mind. Regularly cleaning up gives literal and figurative space and air. Regularly review what you really use, organize that, and throw away the rest.

7. Regretting Past Choices

You now look at situations in your life differently than in the past. Everything you did and do is with the knowledge and experience of that particular moment. And with the intentions you had then. Now you look back on events in your life and may regret things. Let it go, it’s baggage. And focus on your current choices and future choices in your life.

8. Mediocrity

“Just do it”. That’s a typical Dutch saying. However, it doesn’t get us any further in terms of our uniqueness. It’s important to ask yourself how you can and want to make a difference in your life, in your environment, in the time you’re given on earth. Spread your wings and fly…

9. Fear and Uncertainty

This drains energy. Where does it come from? And what do you have control over? You have little influence on everything that happens in the world. So let that go. Following the news less also helps.

10. Lack of Time

Always feel like you’re short on time? That there’s too much to do? That you’re constantly chasing yourself? It helps to handle your time and schedule differently. This will give you more overview and ultimately more peace.

Golden Leadership

Which stressors do you recognize in yourself? Which ones can you stop? Golden leadership also means stopping or changing behavior that doesn’t support us. This provides more peace, overview, and a better balance in life.

Of course, it’s not always easy to ‘reset’ everything yourself. Otherwise, you would have done it already, right? Causes of these stress factors may also be deeper. In that case, it’s advisable to seek support.

Want to read more? Check out my book “My Best Team Ever! In 7 Steps to Golden Leadership“.

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