This is how you escape from the hustle and bustle of the day – with a gift

The daily grind. Are you familiar with those moments? Or are you still mostly in it? You may have a plan, but various issues keep throwing you off track. Escaping the daily grind and being able to focus better is something we all struggle with at times, isn’t it? It’s a recurring theme among my clients.

In my new book “In 10 Steps Grip on Growth and Capriciousness“, step 8 is about:
“Set clear priorities. Maintain focus and rhythm.” How do you stay on track?

How to Escape the Daily Grind

General Eisenhower (later the 34th President of the United States) was known as one of the most productive individuals in the world. He has been studied by multiple scientists to find out the key to his extraordinary productivity. The result: the Eisenhower Matrix. I have been using this model myself for years to remain aware of the right focus. For several clients, it has become the key to working more efficiently, gaining more focus, more overview, more discipline, and more proactivity. And therefore, more peace of mind. This is also the way to escape the daily grind. The Eisenhower Matrix looks like this.

Quadrant 1: Only urgent, pressing activities that need to be done now belong here: a crisis, an urgent problem, meeting a deadline, etc. Clients of mine who were in burnout often turned out to have operated too much in quadrant 1. Avoid spending too much time in quadrant 1 because when there’s a crisis, you need to deal with it. Consider which activities from quadrant 1 you can shift to quadrant 2. These will mainly be planned activities.

Quadrant 2: Ensure that you operate in this quadrant as much as possible. This is everything you can plan. Schedule it in your agenda. Examples include planning meetings, progress discussions with employees, acquisition, working on a project, your relaxation (sports, vacation). This is where good leaders operate. It provides overview, proactivity, and discipline. Also, plan ‘do time’ in your agenda. A progress discussion leads to one or more actions, a good meeting requires preparation and follow-up, so that action lists remain short and follow-up takes place. A pitfall for the ‘red’ people, the working field for the ‘blue’ among us. Attention to quadrant 2 helps avoid fires and reduce the daily grind.

Quadrant 3: This includes unnecessary disruptions. Often, people who find it difficult to say ‘no’ operate here and go with the flow.

Quadrant 4: The activities in this quadrant are pastimes. Activities that tempt you but are not related to your focus. For example, getting lost in internet temptations. Regularly evaluate your activities and be aware of which quadrant you were in. Are you operating in quadrant 2 as much as possible? It pays off when you guide your employees to prioritize better. This model provides a good guideline for that. Productivity increases, employees no longer push each other to the limit because they perceive everything as urgent, it provides more peace of mind.

Focus on Results, Not Activities

Making plans, following plans, and therefore maintaining focus (quadrant 2) also means “do not be tempted” and stay focused on the result.

I once attended a leadership training in Malaysia, and at one point, the trainer exploded. He shouted at us, “A lot of activities, but no results.” It shocked me, it made an impression. And I still keep that moment in mind. It helps me by regularly asking the question “What is the result?” or “What is the goal?”. It greatly helps with the focus on clarity and helps to eliminate unnecessary activities. Scrum techniques (borrowed from the software development world) can help with this.


Next week is my birthday, and on that day, I’m also launching my new book. And: whoever is celebrating their birthday, treats!

On Friday, October 9th at 1:30 PM, I will hold a workshop on the content of the new book. We have decided to hold this workshop online due to the new Corona guidelines). We therefore have a bit more space for participants now. Sign up and you can now (for free) bring a second guest. You will also be guests at the festive book launch (also online) and both receive the book! Read more and sign up here for the gift.

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